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Documenting Change

Robin Peterson

In 2010 I self published a book about my artist residency in Gates of the Arctic National park. You can read the whole thing online HERE. We could see the evidence of melting permafrost for ourselves and there's not a "snowball's chance" that we aren't currently in the midst of the largest environmental experiment in human history. The balance has clearly been tipped and change is the only real constant. I guess my sketch books and paintings may become historical record sooner rather than later.

So, sketchbook-ers, one of our roles is to document stuff. Even what we see everyday will one day be history. How will they know if we don't show them the wonders? Come and discover what keeping a sketch-book-journal is all about at a workshop I'm facilitating for the Peninsula Art League, April 15-16, 2016. More information and sign up here.


FernWood Studio

robin peterson, illustration

© 2018 by robin peterson

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